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CAIC: Colorado Avalanche
Information Center

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Public Avalanche Beacon Training Park


WHERE: This FREE Avalanche Beacon Training Park is located 100 feet up from Old Monarch Pass Road parking lot (FS 237). It is a quick ski/split bd, snowshoe, xc, etc, up the road on the right. Using your backcountry snow flotation gives a more authentic experience... and avoids post holing.

WHAT: The Beacon Training Park has 7 buried transceiver boxes that simulate buried beacons. A yellow control box turns each transceiver on allowing for single burial or more advanced multi-burial practice. This beacon skills park is for searching, pinpointing, and probing. You will need to practice shoveling outside of the park.


BRING:  snow flotation, beacon, probe, backcountry partners. No shovel use in park.


We highly recommend taking an Avalanche Training Course from a professional organization and return to the practice park frequently to keep your skills sharp. 

The Beacon Park was made possible through donations from:
Monarch Ski Area (their old beacon park)
Western Recreation Industries (signs)
Forest Service
SAR South members
Your public donations 

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